Monday, 31 October 2011

Surrogacy Solutions

Surrogacy Solutions

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which one woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to bear a child for a couple (the intended parents) and surrender it at birth. This provides an opportunity for those who are unable to carry a child themselves to overcome their childlessness.

Surrogacy Solutions in India

Surrogacy Solutions

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which one woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to bear a child for a couple (the intended parents) and surrender it at birth. This provides an opportunity for those who are unable to carry a child themselves to overcome their childlessness.

Who might opt for surrogacy?

Women who are unable to carry a child to term, there are a variety of reason's for this, including failure of the embryo to implant, repeated miscarriage, hysterectomy or a pelvic disorder. Some women experience problems such as dangerously high blood pressure, a heart condition or liver disease, so that pregnancy would entail a serious health risk for them.